KIA ORA FROM EXPERIENCE MOJO - Curators of mojo enhancing experiences from New Zealand

I congratulate you on the experiences you have created. The level of storytelling, education and immersion have left me wanting more and more.

Shawn RoysterShawn Royster Productions - USA

I have always wanted to go to New Zealand. Now I want to go even more! I learnt so much and I really felt connected to the experience.

Dr Gagan LushaiHead of LifeSciences, UK

This really is unique. You have created a novel way to meet the real people behind New Zealand.

Nigel HammersleyDigital Director & Head of social media at MullenLowe MENA

Experience Mojo's commitment to the environment

The pressures on our planet’s limited natural resources and the challenge of climate change require prompt and concerted action from us all. We take wide-ranging measures to protect biodiversity, reduce our consumption of water, energy and other resources, avoid waste, and combat climate change.